Let's talk sister wounding..

For many women, there’s nothing more triggering than witnessing another woman shine and step into her power.

As someone who has experienced being on both ends of this dynamic, I can attest that this energy is palpable and can be felt by both parties, even from afar

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Olena Gisys
Feeling trapped? Read this 👇

If you're feeling trapped & powerless in your career - it’s likely that your situation also feels:

PERMANENT (it will never end/ improve..)

PERVASIVE (everything else also sucks..)

PERSONAL (something is fundamentally wrong with me..)

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Olena Gisys
Healing shame

Psychologically, there are only 2 ways we can feel around others: safe or unsafe.

I just went through a massive shame spiral about some irresponsible choices I made while knowing deep down all along they were misaligned..

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Olena Gisys
Let's unpack ANXIETY

Let’s make this clear: another word for anxiety is FEAR.

Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection.

Fear of something that usually has a very low probability of happening.

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What the FAQ is Hypnotherapy (part 2)

Here’s what to expect during the hypno session..

There’re multiple approaches to hypnotherapy, but the one I practice is, in my opinion, superior to others - because it uncovers and treats the root cause of the issue before offering any positive reinforcements.

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Olena Gisys
Going through a LIFEQUAKE?🌋🎢

Whether you want them or not, big life transitions will keep happening - shaking you up and changing your perception of the world and of who you are. While we go through the most transitions with relative ease, some of those turn into LIFEQUAKES!

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Olena Gisys
Here’s how your mind works..

What is the subconscious mind?

Dr. Joe Dispenza explains that 95% of who we are by the age 35 is a memorised set of behaviours, emotional reactions, habits, attitudes and beliefs that function like a computer program.

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Olena Gisys
Let's talk holiday loneliness..

Here's the biggest paradox nobody talks about: You can be surrounded by many people and feel very lonely. At the same time, you can feel the strongest connection to the world around you and to yourself when you’re in solitude.

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Olena Gisys
Why making change is so hard?🤯

While Nike made it sound easy and glamorous, people usually don’t “just do it”. Before any significant life transition – be it ending a relationship, changing a career or even trying therapy for the first time – we go through a series of sequential stages that often span months and sometimes even years.

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Olena Gisys
The choice is yours. Always.

Most people choose the path of least resistance by avoiding crisis and relying on a lucky chance. It feels safe because it doesn’t require effort at this moment. The problem with these approaches is that they don’t allow you to live life on your terms..

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You vs. your ego. Who wins?

There is an internal battle between the two important parts of you – your social self (or ego) and your true self. Sometime between the ages of 30 and 40 most people reach a certain level of consciousness and start experiencing a lot of emotional suffering and stuckness.

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