What the FAQ is Hypnotherapy (part 2)

Here’s what to expect during the hypno session..

There’re multiple approaches to hypnotherapy, but the one I practice is, in my opinion, superior to others - because it uncovers and treats the root cause of the issue before offering any positive reinforcements.

The method I practice is called Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and was developed by the world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer. It goes beyond traditional hypnotherapy and includes a range of techniques layered in a particular way based on what comes up in the session. It includes elements of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), behavioral therapy (CBT), cell command therapy (CCT), inner child work and more.

In most of the sessions (which I also do online), I guide people on the journeys called regressions, taking them back to past memories that caused them to think, feel and behave a certain way. This is where the biggest breakthroughs happen and people realize what really keeps them stuck.

The goal is to get to the root cause of the issue rather than putting a band-aid on the symptoms. You can talk about the problem in therapy for years and use logic and willpower to make the change, or you can go straight into the eye of the storm, the origin of the damaging belief system, a string of life events that caused you to create a distorted blueprint of reality.

Once you see that you’ve attached the wrong meaning to certain events, transformation happens in no time and it becomes possible to subconsciously accept alternative empowering beliefs.

Interesting fact: the root cause of the issue is almost never what people think it is. The real pain point usually lies in feeling not-good enough, different or not worthy of love and belonging.

Repetition is key. Based on what comes up in the session, I make a custom transformation recording to reinforce the new belief system. Listening to it for 21 days creates new neural pathways in the cleared mind, which leads to new thoughts ➡️ new feelings ➡️ new behaviors. NEW YOU! 🎉

Olena Gisys