Looking for your life's purpose? Read this..

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." – Mark Twain.

If you’re struggling with finding your calling in life, remember this: you will not find it through the logic of the rational mind.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The realization comes through unlearning and stripping away the layers of who you are not. By detaching from thinking and allowing yourself to feel.

It comes through revisiting past traumatic events that led you to disconnect from your own needs and desires; events that made you forget your true nature.

It requires courageously working though the fear of uncertainty and forgiving those who wronged you or didn’t know how to love you differently.

It means accepting your past for what it was, embracing where you are in the present and allowing yourself to dream BIG!

Deep down you already know why you’re here. This knowing is just buried under the layers of junk conditioning and false narratives.———————
I am here to serve. To help others remember who they are. To contribute to both the collective and the individual awakening.

By being in my truth. By showing up. By using my voice.

It’s been a long and uneasy path for me to remember this, but here I am. This knowing is so deep. It is my North Star.
If you feel like it’s time for you to remove the barriers towards connecting with your unique gifts, I’m here to walk by your side on this path.

Olena Gisys