Going through a LIFEQUAKE?🌋🎢

Whether you want them or not, big life transitions will keep happening - shaking you up and changing your perception of the world and of who you are.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I recently came across a "deck of disruptors” that lists potential life events that lead to some sort of transition (from breaking an ankle and changing a job to a natural disaster and a loss of a loved one).

According to its author, Bruce Feiler, an average person goes through a few dozens of disruptors in their lifetime (about 1 every 12-18 months!). Most of them we go through with relative ease, but one in ten is a LIFEQUAKE - a massive burst of change that can lead to the metaphorical death and rebirth.

These lifequakes can be voluntary (ex: a decision to get divorced or quit a job) and involuntary (like a war or a global pandemic that put all of us in a life transition mode).

An average person goes through 3-5 of these lifequakes in a lifetime, with the span of each transition around 5 years. Which means we can spend 15-25 years of our life in transition!

But because life is not linear, forget about mid-life crisis. Welcome a whenever-life-crisis; A lifequake can happen to anyone at any time.

And each lifequake presents a choice. We can either resist the change and create unnecessary suffering OR we can embrace the change and speed up the transformation.

It’s like when a giant wave comes at you in the ocean. Panicking and resisting will only make things worse and can lead to an injury. But surrendering to the washing machine of life will make you stronger and wiser.

And while resistance to change is our natural instinct, we can choose to get mentally prepared for the next lifequake or learn to better navigate the one we’re currently in. It’s called MINDSET.

Remember: No matter how messy your transition might look like at the moment, it’s important to keep your sight on the happy ending! A caterpillar has to go through a total dissolution and a painful transition to become a completely new magnificent creature with the wings

Going through a LIFEQUAKE? I can help you navigate it with ease..

Olena Gisys