Feeling trapped? Read this 👇

Feeling trapped? Read this 👇

If you're feeling trapped & powerless in your career (or another aspect of life) - it’s likely that your situation also feels:

1. PERMANENT (it will never end/ improve..)

2, PERVASIVE (everything else also sucks..)

3. PERSONAL (It happened to me because something is fundamentally wrong with me..)

And it’s extremely uncomfortable and lonely place to be in.

If you want to turn it around, start with these 3 things:

  1. Increase your sense of AGENCY.

It means start focusing on things within the situation that you DO have control over to signal your mind & nervous system that you ARE in control.

You might not have control over the entire situation, but you do have control over how you respond to things and what actions you take. Doing even the smallest things within your control (i.e. researching solutions) creates a momentum, builds self-integrity and leads to bigger inspired action.

2. Use empowering language.

Very often we say “I can’t do it” when the reality is “I choose not to do it”. Feel the difference between: “I can’t get up early” and “I choose not to get up early”.

Here’s the truth you might not like: you DO have a choice but you’re likely just afraid to make it, or feel like it will come at a price you’re not willing to pay (be it inconvenience, time, money or other resources).

Any proactive change requires sacrifice, and is usually possible if there’s willingness and the right mindset in place.

3. Share the truth about what you’re going through with someone safe.

Someone who can love you unconditionally through all the shame you’re carrying without offering any advice.

It’s often in being witnessed without judgement that we have the biggest breakthroughs and start to finally see our way out.


You’re NOT trapped. Other options exist.

Even if someone swallows you, you have at least 2 ways out.. just sayin’..


Tired of corporate grind or soul-sucking meaningless work?

Check out my FREE Masterclass on how to unlock your purpose where you can learn about a predictable cycle of transformation - from contemplating change to stepping into a passion-fuelled career path: https://go.olenagisys.com/

Olena Gisys