Why making change is so hard?🤯

While Nike made it sound easy and glamorous, people usually don’t “just do it”. Before any significant life transition – be it ending a relationship, changing a career or even trying therapy for the first time – we go through a series of sequential stages that often span months and sometimes even years.e.

Here are the stages (as suggested by a psychologist named James Prochaska):

1. Pre-contemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation

4. Action

5. Maintenance

So long before taking action, we go through some serious discomfort that first takes us to the point of consideration.. Then we start paying attention to the issue more and more, gathering information, collecting other people’s opinions and experiences, mentally trying on a new role, accepting or denying the possibility of change, spiraling into thought loops, etc.. Until one day we finally wake up and say ENOUGH! Today is the day.

If you rewind back to some of your big life decisions, you will see that they didn’t happen overnight. It took me 6 years of contemplation and preparation to end a 9-year-long relationship. It took me 5 years of soul searching to finally choose a healing modality to study. It took me 2 years of daily whining to quit a soul-sucking job.

The biggest barrier in making a life change is FEAR of failure. This is what the first 3 stages are usually all about, and this is what we avoid looking into the most. But unless you choose to go deep into where this fear stems from and build your confidence and self-esteem from within – making a desired change can be avoided or delayed forever; and even when the change is made, paralyzing fear can come back to suck you right back into the discomfort of the comfort zone.

While we operate in the 5% conscious (or thinking/logical) mind in our daily awake life, 95% of our beliefs are stored in the subconscious (or feeling) mind. Trying to make a change from that 5% is very VERY hard – yet this is what most of us do - justifying our choices with the logical mind to avoid the discomfort of the feeling mind.

Hypnotherapy gives you access to your mind’s operating system, that 95%, taking you to those specific events from the past that made a dent in your self-belief. And then it becomes my job to reframe those damaging beliefs and plant the new empowering seeds into the fertile soil of your subconscious mind.

It works. And it works fast.

So.. if you’ve been in a contemplation mode for a while, this might be your call to DO something about it.

Book your 30 min clarity call and we can discuss if now is the time for you to experience the life-changing power of hypnotherapy: https://OlenaGisys.as.me/

Olena Gisys