Overwhelmed with negative thoughts? Read this..

If you tend to wake up in a bad mood, already worrying about the day ahead or your future in general, this post is for YOU.

When we sleep, we operate in the unconscious slow and healing DELTA brainwave frequency, and when we’re awake we’re operating in the conscious fast and logical BETA frequency. But as we’re falling asleep and waking up, we’re operating in the magical subconscious ALPHA and then THETA frequencies - which are bridging our feelings and vital memories with our rigid and logical thinking and behaviours.

So.. what you CAN do is start paying attention to the thoughts first thing in the morning as you’re still laying in bed with your eyes closed. The first few minutes of you being in this lucid state holds a lot of information about what you’re storing in the subconscious and what’s playing in your head on an autopilot all day long without you even noticing.

Building this awareness creates a necessary separation between you and the thoughts and eventually you start realizing that it’s not you who is thinking the thoughts. But rather it’s the thoughts that are thinking YOU.

And this is what gives you the power to question, challenge and change them - and ultimately impacts how you show up in the world.

I also recommend that you listen to the self-hypnosis recording every night before you go to bed, putting positive thoughts into the mind right as you enter into the magical THETA state and become very suggestable to new thoughts and ideas.

Here’s a little FREE gift for you: a recording for you to listen to for 21 days. It will help you start waking up more relaxed, with a positive outlook and happier thoughts.

P.S. if you want me to send this file to you directly so you can listen from your phone (vs. website) or if you want to learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you transform your life, just send me a note!❤️

Olena Gisys