Are you an overeducated underachiever?

Truth bomb..! No matter how much healing we do and self-development content we pump into our systems on a daily basis, it means NOTHING if we don’t integrate the learnings into our lives.

Podcasts, retreats, courses, medicine journeys, healing containers, educational programs are FLOODING our inboxes and feeds.. and some of them can be helpful BUT the mind can also trick us into thinking they’re helpful - because it’s a guilt-free excuse to avoid taking actions.

Actions that look like this:

👉 Changing habits based on the information you’ve already received

👉 Showing up for yourself & others in new ways

👉 Focusing on one important thing

👉 Creating something helpful for others based on the knowledge you’ve accumulated

👉 Saying NO to instant gratification

👉 Forgiving yourself for slipping up and using willpower to get back on track

In other words: embodying change instead of just thinking about it.

Here’s a good way to look at it: You can study architecture for years and know all the technical details of building a house - but unless you go into the wild or hire a builder to ACTUALLY build it, you will remain homeless forever. The end.

The outer work is equally as hard as the inner work, but we tend to get lost either in the feminine energy of feeling and storytelling or in the masculine energy of doing.

Sadly or luckily, I am speaking from personal experience as I’ve been stuck in a self-betterment loop, and crawling out of it as we speak.

It took me a few harsh wake up calls to open my eyes and see that manifestation works, but ONLY if we get our asses up and actually show up.

Escapism has many faces, and self-development can be one of them

Without discounting the undeniable need for healing trauma, doing shadow work and seeking guidance from those walking the path with integrity - it’s important to use discernment whether it’s hitting play on the next podcast or relying on medicine to solve your problems.

Everyone is competing for your precious resources: time, attention, energy, money.

Who are you giving your power to?

What’s the ROI?

Are you embodying what you’re learning?

Olena GisysComment