Here's why triggers are treasuresđź’Ž

In “The Mastery of Love”, Don Miguel Ruiz shares some profound wisdom about physical and emotional wounds.

If there’s an open wound on the skin, someone touching it (ever accidentally) will cause a lot of pain.

And we know exactly what to do when it happens: We protect the wound and help it heal until the pain is gone and touching it doesn’t hurt any more.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Just like the physical body, our emotional body gets wounded too.

But there’s one big difference: Emotional wounds are not visible to the eye, which puts us out of sync with the need to take proper care of them.

Instead of giving them love, attention and care, we leave them fully exposed, while numbing the pain or getting accusatory and defensive with those who dared to touch them.

And as these wounds get exposed more and more, the pain gets worse. Until at some point it hurts so much that we start believing that WE ARE those wounds.

  • I am not worthy of love.

  • My body is not attractive.

  • I am not smart enough.

  • Making money is hard.

  • It’s too late to make changes.

  • I don’t belong.

  • Others don’t like me.

  • Something is fundamentally wrong with me.

These wounds hurt a lot.. but it’a different kind of pain. It comes from within. The knot in the stomach. The rock in the throat. Tightness in the chest. Shortness of breath.

These wounds, the parasites of the mind, keep hurting until we choose to investigate them, to let ourselves feel them, to allow the time to heal them, and to have the courage to rewrite the narrative.

Triggers are treasures that help us peel away the layers of lies so we can unleash our true selves.

I now uncover these fear-based narratives. I became a detective of the destructive patterns. I rewrite them for myself. And I help others do the same.

  • I am enough.

  • I am abundant.

  • I can.

  • My beauty is unique.

  • My body is perfect.

  • I am lovable.

  • I am loved.

  • I am LOVE.

Triggers are treasures in disguise

Follow them. Acknowledge them. Investigate them. Be grateful for them.

And if you feel that it’s time to unpack them further so you can get out of your own way and make some big shifts in life, I am here for you

Olena Gisys