Here’s how your mind works..

The Garden of your mind..

Picture these two ways of removing weeds from the garden:

1. Trimming the surface part so it appears clean - but the weeds will grow back in a few days

2. Removing the weeds with the roots to make sure they’re gone for good!

Now think of the weeds as destructive thoughts and the garden as your mind..

This metaphor gives you an idea about why dealing with any issue on a surface level is a band-aid solution!

And also why positive thinking alone doesn’t work. It’s essential to get rid of the root cause of the problem before planting any new seeds into the fertile soil of your subconscious mind.

So what is this subconscious mind?

Dr. Joe Dispenza explains that 95% of who we are by the age 35 is a memorised set of behaviours, emotional reactions, habits, attitudes and beliefs that function like a computer program.

And this program runs very VERY deep. To the point that we stop noticing that it runs all of our (negative) thinking - which impacts how we feel - and ultimately how we show up in the world.

It means that we don’t think our thoughts - but rather our thoughts think us. How’s that for a plot twist?

And then we’re wondering: What’s wrong with me? Why am I different? Why can’t I connect? Why is this always happening to me? etc.

Here’re a couple of examples of how our mind misinterprets and exaggerates events from our past, leading to some serious issues in the adulthood:

🤯 Some critical comments from the parent can snowball into a negative self-image and feelings of inadequacy

🤯 A delay in responding to the child’s need can lead to an anxious attachment style and a perpetual fear of rejection and failure

🤯 Judgmental looks from other kids in the elementary school can turn into not-good-enoughness or even self-hatred

So what can you do if your mind keeps spiraling you into the dark places? Try subconscious reprogramming / hypnotherapy.

It helps you access your subconscious - so you can see where the weeds came from, remove them with the roots and then plant the beautiful flowers and fruit trees to enjoy a life-long harvest.

Curious to discover more? Let’s chat!

Olena Gisys