Let's talk holiday loneliness..

Here's the biggest paradox nobody talks about: You can be surrounded by many people and feel very lonely. At the same time, you can feel the strongest connection to the world around you and to yourself when you’re in solitude.

And with the expectations built around the Holiday season, an anxious sense of isolation and sadness can be a very real thing – no matter how many Holiday parties you’re invited to.

So.. as someone who intentionally spends a lot of time alone, I want to talk about the discernment between loneliness and solitude – because these are two very different states I got to know well. The first one comes from lack and neediness and the second one is a result of self-acceptance and enjoyment of your own company.

Loneliness creates a victim vibe that repels others, while solitude is a choice that creates a secure energy field that attracts like-minded people seeking real connection.

How do people typically avoid loneliness?

1. By overconsuming entertainment content like binge-watching on Netflix or getting lost in social media feeds. It creates a fake sense of connection, making the emotional discomfort even worse.

2. By drowning in work or any other “productive” activity that helps them avoid connecting with themselves.

3. By spending time with the wrong people just to avoid being alone. How do you know these are “wrong people”? You wear a mask of fakeness to fit in, instead of being yourself to belong.

The most effective thing you can do if you feel lonely is to treat the root cause of the feeling vs. putting a band-aid on the symptoms.

The real cause of loneliness lies in lack of self-acceptance and anxious co-dependency developed at a very early age. There’s a deep-rooted belief that says: “I need something or someone outside of myself to be happy”.

This belief is a lie that can be reprogrammed with the power of hypnosis. One of the best ways to get rid of loneliness is by accessing your subconscious mind – because this is where all the destructive programming resides.

Interested in trying hypnotherapy? I help people take the weeds out of the garden of their minds to accept themselves fully and start making desired changes in their lives.

Book your clarity call here: https://OlenaGisys.as.me/

Olena Gisys