Hi, I’m Olena!

I’m a purpose-seeker, a world traveler and an ever-evolving human being.

After a few rocky years of soul-searching, I’ve discovered what lights me up the most; and it’s helping people shed the heavy weight of destructive beliefs and seeing them transition from their soul-sucking jobs into living lives full of purpose, self-expression and infinite possibilities.

In addition to being certified in Hypnotherapy and trained by the incredible Marisa Peer in her award-winning Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) method, I went through the Wayfinder Coach Training with Dr. Martha Beck, named one of the smartest women by Oprah herself.

I’ve been religiously meditating and exploring the quantum model of reality with Dr. Joe Dispenza, and my inner-world has been impacted immensely by the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Byron Katie.

Travel, spirituality, community and plant medicine also play an important role in my life. I dive deep into working with fears and the subconscious mind, but I never forget to also have fun!

I love exploring the mind and experiencing life through human connection and through the senses, especially singing and dancing. I also enjoy self-expression through writing and fashion.

My core values are integrity, growth, courage, adventure & empowerment.

I’m a 100% Leo fire (sun & moon!) born in the year of the Dragon! Oh, and my name means “shining light”!

In Human Design, I am a Self-Projected Projector, and it’s very important for me to use my voice and speak the truth from my heart!

I believe that a journey to transformation doesn’t have to take a long time. Working directly with the subconscious mind helped me witness something so profound, yet so simple: We are always just one choice away from a completely different life!

I invite you to work with me to reprogram your mind and start making new life-changing and empowering choices!