How to handle emotional discomfort: 2 strategies

Are you talking to avoid doing?

Or overdoing to avoid feeling? 

When we’re experiencing emotional discomfort, we typically follow one of these 2 scenarios: 

1. We get too caught up in the story instead of taking the steps to change. 

2. We avoid what we’re feeling and put our energy outward by constantly doing something.

And based on this, we need different strategies when it comes to handling life’s challenges. 

First, it’s important to start noticing what’s your typical response (and you probably already know). 

👉🏻 If you’re someone who likes to talk to multiple people about the problem, replaying the story in your head and looking for reassurance from others - notice how quickly you can be pulled into feeling like a victim. Because what you’re really looking for is help and sympathy from others that will give you permission to not take action.. So your strategy should be to eventually stop TALKING and start DOING.  

👉🏻 If you’re someone who has a hard time talking about your problems and tends to fix things for others, you might be taking yourself to a dangerous place - because you can become a dormant volcano who’s storing all this unreleased energy inside. And we know what happens with dormant volcanos in nature.. Sooner or later they erupt 🌋 And this eruption can be physical and turn into a health condition or lead to a mental breakdown. So your strategy should be to stop DOING and start FEELING. 

And while we have a tendency to be one way more than other, we can also act out different ways depending on the life’s situation.  

The key is to have those moments of introspection when you catch yourself playing out one of these scenarios, and choose the right strategy when the a-ha moment happens. 

And once you take the ownership of your style of processing, you might choose to seek help of a therapist, coach or a healer..

One thing to remember is the following – nobody can ever solve your problems or tell you what to do. But the right guide will empower you to access the place where you can find the answers within YOURSELF and lovingly guide you towards introspection and seeing your blind spots then will offer you the right strategies that challenge you to heal and to grow. And this will either bring you to the point of TAKING INSPIRED ACTION instead of talking, or will challenge you to stop doing and start FEELING.

If you need help implementing one of these strategies, let’s chat about how I can help.

To book your free clarity call:

Olena Gisys