Let's talk sister wounding..

For many women, there’s nothing more triggering than witnessing another woman shine and step into her power.

As someone who has experienced being on both ends of this dynamic, I can attest that this energy is palpable and can be felt by both parties, even from afar.

I used to call it jealousy. Now, I call it sister medicine — an invitation to self-inquire:

💊 What part of me am I denying or hiding from the world, and why?
💊 What am I being asked to step into that I’m avoiding?
💊 Where is this inferiority/ superiority coming from?
💊 Why am I choosing to give my power away?

Those women who trigger us are powerful teachers we often don’t recognize. Their medicine tastes bitter, but if swallowed and digested instead of being spit out, it becomes the most potent healing substance that creates alchemy and turns suffering into gold — an expression of our authentic power.

Every single one of us has a unique set of gifts. Unique energetic blueprint. Unique flavor of love. We cannot be compared because we are the leaves of the same Divine tree.

Not different. Unique.

Our power lies in this uniqueness, which we often overlook while being busy comparing, gossiping and victimizing.

After swallowing this medicine myself over and over again, and now having coached many women to reclaim their self-worth, I can see clearly that Marianne Williamson was absolutely right: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are POWERFUL beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us..”

And this light is our own potential that we see as reflection in other embodied women🪞 This light is what intimidates us the most - but also creates the ring of fire we must go through to access the depth of our own greatness. ⭕️🔥

“..and then as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other (women) permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 💡

Olena Gisys