How to start believing in yourself.. AGAIN!

As babies, we all are born with unshakable confidence.

We expect to be fed, so we express ourselves by crying when hungry.

We have no shame about our imperfectly perfect bodies when witnessed naked as newborns.

We fall a thousand times before learning to walk, and not even once during this process we perceive ourselves as losers.

We keep trying until we proudly stand on our feet.

But then our sense of self starts developing, and we involuntarily absorb thoughts and behavioral patterns of adults around us.

Every idea – true or false – is taken at face value because as pure souls and imaginative minds we trust the world unconditionally.

Sadly, this is how we end up developing 3 most damaging beliefs that later in life create a base for all our limitations:

1. It’s not available to me (be it love, money, confidence, etc.)

2. I am different (something is fundamentally wrong with me)

3. I am not enough (I must act a certain way to be accepted)

These beliefs affect our ability to show up for ourselves and make changes we crave so much.

They penetrate every area of our life and lead to depression, anxiety, unfulfillment, frustration and inadequacy.

If not examined, questioned and challenged, these beliefs lead to very unfortunate consequences such as:

  • Not following our heart’s desires and not fulfilling our potential

  • Stuckness in a “golden cage” of 9-5.

  • Imposter syndrome (others are capable, but not me)

  • Inability to create meaningful and long-lasting connections with others

  • Perpetual analysis paralysis

  • Addictive behaviors such as overeating, overspending and overconsuming social media to name a few

This list can go on and on..

Imagine the potential of our next generation if as a society we were focusing on eradicating these beliefs instead of reinforcing them.

Because they spread like a virus and are being passed down to our children just like they were passed down to us.

A real pandemic is the one created in our minds. A pandemic of negative thinking.

And the vicious cycle will continue until we decide to break it.

How can we do it, you might ask?

By working directly with our subconscious mind.. the exact same mind that accepted these false beliefs in the first place – long before we could make any logical choices.

By accessing our operating system that lies beneath the rational, examining where these beliefs came from and embedding new empowering thoughts that create new habits of action.

We all are just one choice away from a completely different life. The hardest part is to come to a place of making that choice.

Book your free 30 min clarity call if you are interested in how hypnotherapy can help you go back to that innate believe in self that you were born with.

Olena Gisys