The choice is yours. Always.


There’re only 3 paths to any major change in life. Interestingly, they all start with a “C”:

1. Crisis. When negative circumstances force you to change (ex. you lose your job and must urgently find a new one to survive).

2. Chance. When “positive” circumstances change your life (ex. you win a lottery and finally have an opportunity to buy whatever you think will make you happier).

3. Choice. You decide to take ownership of an undesirable situation and make an effort to get from where you are to where you want to be.

What makes these C’s different?

✔️While there is very little control you have over the first two, you have full control over the last one.

✔️The first two are dictated by the outside forces, while the last one comes from within.

✔️The first two don’t usually require any risk, while the last one makes you step out of your comfort zone.

Most people choose the path of least resistance by avoiding crisis and relying on a lucky chance. It feels safe because it doesn’t require effort at this moment. The problem with the “Crisis” & “Chance” approaches is that they don’t allow you to live life on your terms because you end up adjusting your identity by reacting to the circumstances you don’t control. You follow these scenarios not because you want to, but because you have to.

The route of “Choice” is a more challenging one because it’s proactive and requires major upfront clarity work. It means you need to develop a strong decision-making muscle and trust your intuition. It’s risky and at times uncertain. But it’s also the most empowering one because it takes you to your best life. It involves trial, error, patience and resilience – but it’s the only sustainable path to your destiny.

Which brings me to my final thought..

The “Choice” is always yours.

If you feel like it’s time to start making some life-changing choices, but you don’t know where to begin - reach out and let’s discuss if hypnotherapy can help.

Xo Olena❤️

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