Let's unpack ANXIETY

Let’s make this clear: another word for anxiety is FEAR.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of failure.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of something that usually has a very low probability of happening.

..but because the mind blows things out of proportion, any situation can start to deceptively feel:

  1. Permanent (it will last forever)

  2. Pervasive (it affects all areas of my life)

  3. Highly Personal (it happens only to me)

This is why the nervous system gets stuck in a high alert mode - even without real or immediate threat or danger.

With that, two coping strategies kick in: perpetual worry and avoidance.

Both are equally unhelpful because they only reinforce the state and don't lead to taking aligned action.

And because every thought we think has a physical reaction in our body, some of the following symptoms inevitably come up: abdominal or chest pain, shortness of breath, insomnia, headache, skin issues, blood pressure, muscle pain, etc.

And like with any other physical symptom, the band-aid solution offered by Western medicine is to pop in some numbing pills instead of addressing the root cause of the issue - a habitual negative thinking:

  • Bad things always happen to me

  • I am not good enough

  • Others are more capable than me

  • I am not lovable

  • I am not smart enough

  • It's too late

  • I fail every time I try

Just to name a few..

So if anxiety (read: fearful thinking) creeps into your life as a temporary state or as a permanent trait - it's important to uncover its ROOT cause and emotions that are driving it.

Because if you want to manage your state in a sustainable way, you MUST take control of the thoughts instead of letting the thoughts control you (your feelings and behaviours).

And this exactly what I help with through hypnotherapy and subconscious reprogramming

Also, to deal with the symptoms while treating the root cause, you can add these powerful somatic practices - breathwork, EFT tapping or ecstatic dance. They will help to release stuck energy instead of suppressing and storing it in the body.

Remember: you cannot be experiencing anxiety if your body is relaxed (read this again).

To book your free clarity call: https://olenagisys.as.me

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