You vs. your ego. Who wins?

The desire to simply be ourselves develops when as children we stop needing our parents for everything, and begin to claim things for ourselves.

If this process continued without external pressure, we would enjoy infinite freedom. But at a certain point, the choice to be independent becomes problematic. We want to have our own experiences and beliefs, but we also have a survival need to fit in and conform to how society expects us to live and behave.

 In this balancing act, most people choose dependence over independence – and the possibility of developing into who they really meant to be vanishes.

This conflict is really an internal battle between the two important parts of you – your social self (or ego) and your true self. 

Sometime between the ages of 30 and 40 most people reach a certain level of consciousness and start experiencing a lot of emotional suffering and stuckness. This happens because their suppressed true self wakes up and starts pulling them towards the life they’re meant to live. But ego personality, that’s been subconsciously ruling their lives, is now so strong and loud, that they completely identify with it and let it win. 

How do you know your ego personality is winning? 

  • You rationalize why your dreams and desires are impossible (or don’t even know what they are) 

  • You self-sabotage and procrastinate 

  • You struggle with decision making and need a second opinion 

  • You have a lot of guilt and shame 

  • You make safe choices 

  • You compare yourself to others 

  • You think that something is fundamentally wrong with you

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Let’s fix this!

The easiest route most people take is to lie to themselves and make the above list “bearable”.

This numbing helps tolerate things short-term, but imagine waking up in your 70s/80s & looking back at life just to realize that you never gave your true self a chance to be heard. That you followed someone else’s rules. That you lived the wrong version of your life.

👉🏻 If this resonates, and you can’t take it any more – reach out and let’s work on making your true self win.

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