The price you pay for lying to yourself

Photo credit: Sydney Sims


Lying to yourself is expensive. I know this because I’ve been ignoring my gut feeling for years, until the discomfort I was experiencing was more painful than making a big change.

So when I hear people say “I don’t want to talk about it because I’m afraid to find out the truth”, I know that they already know the truth, but saying it out loud means exposing the issue and doing something about it. And that is very risky and super uncomfortable. So we choose to postpone these decisions by rationalizing, negotiating and lying to ourselves.

What I learned is that our intuition never lies – one day this truth matures and explodes anyways, making us wonder why we didn’t have the courage to acknowledge it sooner. This is when we are forced to make the change because there is no other option, or decide to stay where we are with the heavy truth that poisons our being.

I was asked what life coaching is really about. Here is my own intuitive answer that is not by the book: while our friends give us much needed validation and empathy when we are suffering, what we really need to make the change is someone to ask us thought-provoking questions that help us see our own blind spots, acknowledge the truth (sometimes ugly), and speed up the decision making. This requires hand-holding, falling apart and emotional discomfort – but at the end we rise like a phoenix from the ashes, not only surviving, but thriving. And decisions we make are rooted in our own integrity and a revamped belief system, and not on what our friends/family/society think we should do based on their own fearful thinking and limiting beliefs.

Just wanted to share my Sunday morning thoughts, and hope this made you think of something you’ve been suppressing and ignoring for a long time. Awareness is always the first step.✨

And if you are ready to go deeper, let me know where you feel stuck. I’d love to help!

Olena xoxo

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