3 reads that will shift your mindset

When life doesn’t go our way, it often feels like we are the only ones experiencing stuckness - that our situations are unique and there is no magic pill to help us solve our problems.

The easiest solution is to blame it on other people or circumstances - and wait for the world around us to change, or someone to come and save us.

I was one of these people, and it took me years to realize that I have 0 control over my life when I choose this position.

Blaming others is a perfect excuse to not take action that can actually turn everything around.

If this scenario resonates with you, the most powerful action you can take is work on your mindset and on changing your perspective from blame to ownership.

Here are the top 3 reads that impacted my mindset in a big way. I highly recommend that you pick at least one of these books if you are feeling stuck and hopeless.

📚 “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero In addition to reading this book in English and Russian (Rus: НИ СЫ), I listened to it on Audible at least 5 times until her empowering ideas were literally stuck in my head. This book is a great intro to help understand main concepts (i.e. what is a limiting belief, where it comes from and how to deal with it). It’s easy to digest and super relatable. I loved hilarious real-life examples and Jen’s cheery vibes. If you like her delivery, make sure to read or listen to the sequel: “You Are a Badass at Making Money”⠀

📚“Man's Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. Short and heartbreaking read about the author as a prisoner in concentration camps during World War II. From this book you’ll learn about Frankl’s own approach called logotherapy. Main idea: what humans are most motivated by is search for meaning (vs. Freudian psychoanalysis centered around search for pleasure/sex, and Adler’s approach centered around search for power). This book will for sure make you see your problems in a different light. It will touch your heart by showing how in the worst possible circumstances, some prisoners were able to find meaning in their existence and it helped them survive. Key takeaway: “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”⠀ ⠀

📚 “Finding Your Own North Star” by Martha Beck. After reading this book, I made the decision to take Martha’s program and become a life coach. This is how much her approach resonated with me. In this book, she introduces mind-body connection, and how to use “body compass” to get in touch with our core desires. There are exercises to make you pay attention and start listening to the gut feeling which never lies, so be ready for some practice with a side of magic. Key takeaway: “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional” ⠀

I hope one of these books will make a difference in your life. If you feel stuck, but want to make a change and be in control, I’d love to hear from you!

xo Olena