What goes around comes around

Newton’s third law of motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This applies to everything in the material world, but it also applies to the energy between people (aka Karma)

Oprah talked about this law at length on her shows, explaining simple but such profound idea: The energy we are putting out is always coming back to us – whether we recognize it or not. That’s why when someone snaps at us, we want to snap back. And if someone genuinely treats us with kindness, we want to reciprocate. 

So if we have loving people in our lives, it means that we have been giving love to others. And if we are surrounded by angry, mean, jealous, [insert your pet peeve here] people - we need to be open to recognizing these things in ourselves and working on them.

I’ve noticed that when someone irritates me with their selfishness, stupidity or arrogance, I roll my eyes and my ego thrives on this, making me believe that I am better then them. But when I make an effort to treat this situation like a mirror, I recognize that I just have all these negative traits in myself – and that is not an easy pill to swallow.

Here is how one of my favourite authors Jen Sincero brilliantly explains mirroring:

“If people are annoying in a way that has nothing to do with us, we either don’t notice it or don’t get that hang up on it. Would you be offended if someone kept making fun of how short you were if you were six feet tall? It most likely wouldn’t even register or you’d just think they are kind of strange. BUT.. if they teased you about being bossy, and deep down you feared you were, it would definitely get your attention because you probably are bossy, or you worry you are, or you have insecurities about people thinking you are.”

So it all comes down to a simple idea: If there are negative people in your life who drain you or make your blood boil, you must shift your attention from them to yourself. Instead of hating and finger-pointing, look at the energy you are creating to attract them (or their behaviour), because clearly there is a part of you that’s willing to tolerate it.

Don’t you think Newton was a smart guy? 🤓🍎

Olena xo

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