It's time to choose hope over despair


From a spiritual teacher Byron Katie, I learned that there are 3 types of business:

1. My business (what I think, feel and do)

2. Your business (what you think, feel and do)

3. Universe/Nature’s business (things happening in the World outside of my & your control).

Our current COVID-19 situation belongs to the third type.⁣⁣⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣⁣The only business we can control is the first one – our own. Trying to persuade or control someone else or worry and panic about the business of the Universe is just a waste of energy. While most of us know this intuitively, we still fall into this trap of feeding our minds with loads of useless information, and dragging others into it.⁣⁣⁣⁣
I’m not gonna lie, I had a couple of really rough days over the past two weeks as I am sure most of us did. I experienced fear, very low vibrations and even despair and hopelessness. It is very easy to spiral into this mode when information coming at us is so fear-driven and there’s too much uncertainty further fueled by other’s panicking or our own losses.⁣⁣⁣⁣
I also did the things I said I won’t and let myself experience the full range of emotions. I spent hours watching the news when I woke up and right before falling asleep. I shared those news with others and made it more drama than it needed to be. I felt like a victim, I overate to numb myself, I worried about others and imagined worst-case scenarios.⁣⁣⁣⁣
I did it all, and it’s ok – but it was important to recognize this behaviour and make a conscious choice to switch gears to the only business I can control, my own. Doing things like limiting my news intake to a bare minimum and being selective about content I consume, taking care of my mental health, saying no to negativity, being grateful for everything I have at this moment and supporting those who need it.⁣⁣⁣⁣

While we all need to train our bodies as we are staying home, the most important muscle we need to train right now is our choice muscle. When we are faced with a difficult situation, we can always choose one of two reactions – hope or despair. And when we choose hope, it becomes our North Star, taking us to amazing new possibilities.⁣⁣⁣⁣
I am choosing hope✨ Are you?

Olena xo


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